Generate a SSH Key on Linux default location for the private and public key is: ~/.ssh/ for the next step, SSH needs to be configured and working on the Cisco IOS Router...
Descriptrion Oxidized is a network device configuration backup tool. It’s a RANCID replacement! Light and extensible, Oxidized supports over 130 operating system types. Feature highlights: Automatically adds/removes threads to meet configured retrieval...
Download OVA from and import it into your hypervisor to change the ip address of the server go into the console of the server and login in, default username/password is tacgui/tacgui...
these rules are made from firewall logs on a pfsense, while trying to join and logon from a windows 10 client to a AD These firewall are made on Client interface incoming...
IPTables if you want to log all traffic, simply place these rules at the first on in each chain. all log messages will be stored in syslog iptables -A INPUT -j LOG...
Automatic Installation Script Choose option 1 Create a strong password / using a random password generator is recommended Choose a username and password for the first admin Install SNMP client on observium...
Installation Installation of Cacti on ubuntu 18.04 with apt-get could’t be more easy apt-get install snmp snmpd snmp-mibs-downloader rrdtool cacti cacti-spine you should get a few prompts in the installation process Choose...
This config in this lab will shape all output traffic on wan link that matches a deny statement in the ACL to 100mbit, in this case it will be Iperf Server 1...
The config in this test lab will shape the upload on the internet traffic to 300mbit at normal hours, and to 100mbit between 20:00 to 21:00. To limit download is the same...